Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Why buy handcrafted soaps?

All of our soaps are handmade by us using quality oils such as Olive Oil, Sunflower Oil, Rice Bran Oil, Shea Butter, Coconut Oil, and Palm Oil.  All of our soaps contain beeswax and some varieties contain our honey.  Each variety of soap has its own unique scent and coloring technique.

Soap is made by combining oils with water and lye.  The mixture is laid in a wooden mold where the lye reacts with the oils and when done correctly, this reaction removes the lye and produces soap and glycerin. About a day later the soap is removed from the mold and cut into individual bars. The soap cures for about 6 weeks resulting in a hard bar of soap ready to be packaged for sale.

Handcrafted vs commercially made soap:
Glycerin is a natural by-product of soap making and attracts moisture which is a valuable benefit in soap. Commercial soap makers remove glycerin from their soap since it is more profitable to sell glycerin for use in other products. Many commercial soaps also add synthetic preservatives to extend their soap’s shelf life and keep costs down. Our handcrafted soaps are made in small batches as needed limiting waste and maximizing the attention to detail that ensures a quality product.

Tips for handcrafted soap use:
- Allow your handcrafted soap to dry between uses to extend its life
- Our handcrafted soaps should lather enough to be used as a shaving foam resulting in a 
   clean and close shave
- Deodorize cars, luggage, or drawers with pieces of soap kept in a mesh bag
- Lubricate stuck zippers by rubbing a bar of handcrafted soap on them

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